
Riding Free

Die neue EP

1. Riding Free 5:34

2. Riding Free (Extended) 6:41

3. Riding Free (Instrumental) 5:34

Dirk „Dykes“ Müller – vocals, rhythm & lead guitar
Jens Ludwig – bass guitar, additional guitars, backing vocals
Ilona Kochanski – additional lead guitars, backing vocals
Nick Liebau – drums & percussion


LIVE at Schwimmbad-Benefiz-Rock in Ulmbach

4. Forever UOB (Live) 4:48

Dirk „Dykes“ Müller (vocals, guitar)
Ilona Kochanski (lead guitar)
Gunnar Goldbach (bass)
Jens Ludwig (drums)


music and lyrics by Dirk Müller

recorded, mixed & mastered in december 2023 – may 2024 by Jens Ludwig

©&℗ 2024 by Dykes-Music. All rights reserved

Erhältlich ab 04.06.2024 auf allen bekannten Streaming-Plattformen und in allen Stores

The Lyrics

1st Verse

So many things are all around, you‘ve to wear them pound for pound.
And you‘re feeling like a hamster in a fast wheel.
You want to break free, like an eagle over the sea.
Just spread your wings go riding and be really free.


We‘re RIDING FREE, we‘re RIDING FREE, we‘re RIDING FREE tonight.
For better days, for a better world,where everything‘s alright.
Ohuoh, uohuoh, we are standing tight.
For freedom and for rock we fight,’til the morning light.

2nd Verse

One day you‘ll have enough, from all this silly stuff.
One medicine will bring you the salvation.
HEAVY METAL NEVER DIES, adrenalin will rise.
The riffs are pounding and you‘re feeling really free.



Das Musik-Video zu „Riding Free“


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